Sunday, 9 December 2012

Dangerous Animals

10. The Bear

Bear danger is the risk encountered by humans and their pets or livestock when interacting with bears.
Although most bears are alpha predators in their own habitat, most do not, under normal circumstances, hunt and feed on humans. Polar bears are most likely to view humans as prey because their environment is so nutrient poor. Most bear attacks occur when the animal is defending itself against anything they perceive as a threat to themselves or their territory. For instance, bear sows can become extremely aggressive if they feel their cubs are threatened. Any solitary bear is also likely to become agitated if surprised or cornered, especially while eating.[1] Some species are more aggressive than others; sloth bears, Asiatic black bears, and brown bears are more likely to injure people than other species, and the American black bear is comparatively timid.

9. The Shark

Shark are dangerous because they are probably the most efficient predators on earth. Besides, the human capabilities on water are very limited compared with the abilities of sharks in their natural habitat. Sharks are aggressive and the smallest provocation will lead to an attack.

8. The Jellyfish

Another in the “most dangerous animals” series, the Jellyfish fits nicely in this category.
Jellyfish are not usually deadly to humans although some kinds are, however they do produce a sting that is excruciatingly painful.

7. The Hippopotamus

If there is one thing you hear when you go to Africa it’s: “Never get between a hippo and the water!” An angry or threatened hippo is a pretty intimidating adversary, weighing between 1.5 and 3 tons and able to run at up to 30 mph – that’s three times faster than most of us). If hippos are threatened on land, they’ll run for water… and believe me you don’t want to be in the way!  It’s no wonder that the most deaths by wild animals in Africa are caused by hippos.

6. The Elephant

Elephants are the largest land mammals on earth. They are brown to dark gray and have coarse long hairs sparsely covering their bodies and their very thick skin helps to keep them cool. An elephant trunk serves as another limb.   They are a fusion of the nose and upper lip; to help the elephant use it to gather food and water the trunk contains more than 40,000 muscles. Their large ears are functional in fanning and provide a funneling of sounds for excellent hearing.  Their thick legs support their great weight with seemingly little effort. These massive animals grow up to 14 feet at the shoulder and can weigh between 6,000-15,000 lbs.  Simply having your foot stepped on can cost you dearly.  The weight of an elephant alone makes it dangerous.

5. The Crocodile

The saltie will attack even when unprovoked and is a real danger. Don’t believe you are safe from saltwater crocodiles if you are far from the sea as they have been sighted much further inland away from salt water.
Freshies have narrower snouts and are rarely more than three metres long. Salties are generally larger and with a fuller snout, and hey! watch out for those teeth.

4. Wild Cats

big cats
The reason why tigers can be really dangerous is if you ever get attacted by a Siberian tiger they wiegh about 1,025 pounds that the heaviest tiger ever recorded. They have extremly sharp claws and teeth. And when the tiger is on a hunt and it spotted its pray the tiger bites the animals throat and let the large animal bleed to death or breaks its neck

3. The Scorpion

This is truly a very dangerous scorpion. Numerous deaths in Middle East countries and North Africa are attributed to it though again children and elderly are more at risk. It is not native to Asia (except perhaps India) and America. It is also known to be quite aggressive.

2. Venomous Snakes

Annually, throughout the world, it is estimated there are a minimum of 1 to 2 million snakebite “incidences.” This number includes bites by non-venomous species. Of that number roughly 50,000 to 60,000 bites result in fatalities. The country that has the largest number of snakebite deaths annually is the tiny island of Sri Lanka

1. The Mosquito

Mosquitoes is one of the most dangerous insect in the world because They’re the agent of diseases spreading.We have to be aware with the mosquitoes. Some of the mosquitoes is not that dangerous, They just biting our skin and suck our blood.

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